Friday, April 17, 2009

go away, fat man

oh my dear, dear blog, i have neglected you. my sincerest apologies, i promise i'll jam pack ya with wonderful rampant rambles in just a little..

Monday, April 6, 2009

sorry i stepped on his banana

bigger titties equal larger quantities of sag, and that my friend, would be your homegrown karma payment plan

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Okay, so I'm ridiculously stoked for Pittsburgh, whadda goof! I can't wait to put down the post emo bullshit and get OUT. I can't wait to see my sister and Max and to drive the butter beetle and swim and the Andy Warhol museum, oh Andy! You're such a funny gal when will you..those were hgb lyrics there..and I'm pretty sure it's 'Angie' but a little tangent of Forest Kline went off in my head so I felt the need to share. BACK to my purpose, even though I was kind of done stating what I had wanted to say...we'll just sum it up with the fact that I'm super excited.
Can I tell you that hair is GOING TO fall out, I brushed in a little more black last night, I look like a mega goth but it's okay, I work it otherwise, ta hah. I miss having 'cool' hair but I think I'm just gonna rock this shit for a few months and dye it all naturale for the summer, like last year, but not be a dumb bitch and NOT bleach it at very last moment. Silly me.
..While we're on the topic of self-change, I gauged my 0's to dou blea zeros friday night, wowch! Never really thought I'd ever, ever, everrrrr go past zero, but it was an impulse kinda thing. 0g just felt kinda small, I can't wait to get tunnels for this shit, s'gonna be HOT!
Hold on, wow. Can I say I love shuffle on my Zune? I just went from The Macabees to Black Flag, to The Honorary Title to My Chemical Romance, to Late of the Pier, to Rancid. Cuuuuuuuuute! I really love Rancid, I can't tell you how great seeing them with Ky last summer was. Gonna fag out for a tick but listen, it was life altering. And none the less, I wore a white mother fucking dress and DIDNT fucking get raped. That's how great it was. Nice.
And I mean, this weekend wasn't too bad either. Friday was fantastic till the night rollled about, but even that wasn't as bad as I was making of it. Oooh Ollie, it's okay, the lovely blood quenched monthly cycle of menstruation turns us all into psycho bitches every here and there. OOPS. So, Friday wasn't that bad, then yesterday wasn't too awful either. I worked, that sucked up the majority of the day, I came home, intended upon taking a nap but wound up cleaning and teaching myself 'If I Fail' by Cartel, I guess that's kinda a fail for me. Ahck! In the sense of the song bein pretty beat street, I totally fuckin knocked that shit out in the sense of actually playing it. Sweet job, brah. Uh then I cleaned my room and wound up passin out reaaaal early, but it's okay. I've been in dire effing need of some sleep. It's still beyond me that I forgot to sleep the other night, it's not like I'm too busy. It's just a lot to tackle in a short period of time. Fuck I suck, that's the definition of busy. We don't like that word lately. It's okay, we'll tear shit up anyhow.
I need to stop cussing, jesus christ. Flickering my eyes up thur it's just speckled orange and green in eff bombs galore, no es bueno!
Alright, I'm gonna go fuck, I mean, play around in photoshop with the pictures of Asbury I left to rot, til next time, blog land.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I'd just like to let you know that it is approximately 4:26 a.m. and my day has been highlighted all ready. Ryan and Lacey are two of my favorite people in the whole world and that is hands down. So we're on the phone just now, I'm literally barely awake because I haven't been much for sleeping the past few days. Don't get me wrong, I love me some sleep, I just can't do it lately. No time. Anywho, so I'm zoning in and out of shitty Twilight and the three way call to my boys, all I hear is:

Ry: Raisins look like brains, they're definitely brain food
Lace: So does that make your ass brain food?
Ry: Oooooooooooooh oh Ollie, shit'd be alot easier if you had a penis.
Lace: What so you could touch it?

Cute! Yesterday sucked so bad dude. But it's okay, we choose our bad days. And it shaped up to better likes towards the very end, I hung out with Joe for two seconds, legitimately, as I stepped out of the car I got a text from Jake, which does not fucking happen. So I caught up with him a little, that was really cute, I miss my cock slaying J. What else? Oh I finished geometry, I still don't fucking get it but one day I will. Cause I'm a machine and what not [and apparently I'm also capable of pulling tangents outta my asshole.] . Then I finished the majority of my English, I just need to add my citations, that was really fucking cool. No sarcasm there. I've been meaning to finish this shit and I kept putting it off and putting it off, for no reason, really. I'd just get busy and bing the time would have sifted away.
Woah woah woah, what? Apparently I have a doctor's appointment today. Sch-he-he-ho-hoooooreeee. Which means I probably could have slept maybe a wink or two more, but that's okay, I'm just happy to have more time to bullshit to you, my lovely little blog-thing.
And next week I leave for Pittsburgh for like a week, that's kinda scary, huh? Poor Kev. Me and my ma are not only flying out to visit my sister, but we're staying with her too. So okay, it's not bad enough when I come out to visit that we bicker as syblings do, but my sister's poor..dear..boyfy is gonna have to not only put up with our quarelling, but gettin stuck in a house of three woman. Yikes. That would not be me, no sir. But I mean, I am in fact pretty stoked. I love Pittsburgh, and I love Nicol and I love Max and I love CHAD and uh, there's just not much to miss about Willow Grove. The only shitty thing bout Pittsburgh is how effin spacious that shithole is. My sister lives in Mars [goofy, right?] and her house is literally like ten fifteen minutes from any living form of civilization. How'm I supposed to mack on cute farmy boys if I'm fifteen minutes away from any life form other than ma, Nonny, Kev, Max, and ..oh god, don't make me say it. Marla. Boooooooo.
I think that'll be it for today, I wanna go make some green tea and mail my phone to Kansas. Peace brah

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

my next excuse for losing sleep, again...

....Are those really Cartel lyrics up there? Man, I kinda suck. What're we doing here, Olivia? It'll be okay.
I kinda intending on hittin up the zZz's about an hour ago, but when I rolled over my lungs decided [for better or worse] against me and I tumbled into an outrageous coughing fit. Oh boo. But tell me, who wants to just drift gracefully back to sleep after a hailing storm of mucus? Not this little bunny. So here I am, blogging to pass time. I should probably be taking care of Geometry homework, or studying for my permit, .......but late night horror flicks and blogging sounds a whole lot nicer. Not even!
Hm, past few days have been a drag, been sick, what else is new? Monday was okay, didn't go to school, slept, did crap, that was okay. Yesterday I visited the big guys for real cold meds, that sucked. And today was cool, I got to leave early but not in good cause. Then I worked, got out really fucking early, that was cool. Then I came home, did homework, and went to sleep. That was pretty cool. Then I got my period. That sucked. Then I went back to bed and then I wound up here.

I really like old Avril Lavigne, further proving my 'rule' factor. Or 'cool' factor, whichever you should presume. I remember being like 8 and dying for my rents to leave out the house so I could run around screaming just like her. Not screaming, what I thought was singing. That definitly was not singing. I also for a short period of time thought I could hit Christina Augelerias notes, not only did I butcher her last name just now, but my tater tot pushin days butchered her songs too. Oopsies.

I wish I had more time on my hands cause for the most part I'd really like to devote the better portion of my night to hair dye and Drop Dead Fred. And maybe some yoga. I'm too fucking cool. I attempted to dab in the blonde before work, but it didn't really develop. I dunno WHAT the hell is up with this ging shit! Just looks like I'm going to have to make due for some bleach and toner. Le sigh, what a lovely plug for my cash. And Fred? He fixes everything. And anything. I swear.

"Fred: I am a loner, a crazy wide eyed loner on a doomed mission to Venus to battle with the 3 headed mega beast but on the way I caught cornflakes disease"

Can I tell you how much having a vagina blows? Legitimately, it blows. Sooo crampy. I mean, couldn't we just rip them out and do away with them all? No es bueno. That was implied towards my ovaries, and fallopian tubes, and really, any counterpart that constitues sexual reproduction that creates those stupid fucking dying embryos that like to play 'let's grab that one' twister with my organs on a monthly basis.

Oh drat. I fear the worlds become a bunch of grannys, there'd really ought to be a variety of souls to chat amongst at such an hour, for all the crap I put up with for headin out too early. To the sewers with you all!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

she ground down my corners

Fuck, can I tell you how much I love the matches? No hush, I don't care for your opinion of them.

Pretty eventful day for a sick lad, ...I have a vagina, does that still make me a lad? Or perhaps I'm a lass but I don't like the connotation of pulling ass out of anything. Particularly lass.
Uh, visited Asbury Park today with my ma. Outta no where last weekend she goes, 'Wanna go to Neptune? I bet you miss Asbury Park, lets go visit next Sunday' So ..we did. Got lost, that sucked, but mama's a smarty so we found our way. I wish I could have taken Marloooww, even though he woulda gone mad balistic. They're building the place up, it's really nice to see. There were a lot of people browsin about and surprising, none of them were homeless people or bums or yanno, whatever. The only sad part is that they actually boarded off construction and pulled out 'Watch zone' and 'No Trespassing' signs, so there wasn't much for me to wander about. I took really nice pictures, or ..atleast I think I did. You never know with the Lumix. Aw, dude. So when we got there it was foggy as shit, right? And when you walked onto the boardwalk the fog was just at calf's height, and it looked as though it was just rolling around by your feet, so fucking awesome. Then, walking through the Convention Hall there was a like, 8 year old covering Green Day, by himself, outside of this bar. Literally, pudgy little kid outta no where. Crazy. The Convention Hall's looking really nice, they've got little shops in there now and !!! there was even a little Bamboozle truck outside. Cute! I say Bamby z should be in Asbury next year. And every year. It's an easier commute for everyone and I'm sure the good ol Park could use the business of buzzing shitty teenys trashing the place for a day or two. Le sigh. I love Asbury Park.
After that I came home for a little, laid down til Joe called and went to Lancers for a sec. Frank's scary, I like Joe.
And now I'm home, I just washed my face and brushed my teeth and took cold meds, hah they had little 215's on them. I'm gay, I took a picture. Now what?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fingers are blistered, right down to the filter

Mmm, I didn't like what I had written this morning. I'll start over.

Aye yuck! Wet pups. Wet Ollie, least I smell nice. Jesus, h8 rain.

All day I've been thinking about it, remember that time we watched 'Count Your Blessings' with Peter, and that lady mentioned something about the world being here for you. And you have to live in it as though it's for your taking, and only yours. Nice motto. It's pretty deep, when you think about it. And I've been thinking about it alot. I'm not sure how to fill this paragraph, because it all sums up the same crap I've mentioned in posts before, I guess I'm just excited for it. It's rewarding. This all? It's for me. It's to better me, to heighten my potential to be everything I've wanted to and to extend my health. It's take me a while to get to that point, but I'm here. And I'm excited. Woah, hold up. DUDE ELLENS ON. Elllllllleeeeeeeeeen.<3
I threw in the few hundred for a membership to Planet Fitness today, fucking sweet. It really seems like a nice gym, and I really would love to make a four day of the week kinda thing of it. Hopefully Nestle let's up the choke chain just a tad so I can fit it in way more often, I really wanna look nice for summer time. I mean, who doesn't? But still.
Quitting smoking, that's cool. Gonna better my body. Sounds great.
I'm so happy the weekends rearing near, so fucking lovely dude. So I work friday from 3 to 5 and Saturday 8 to 4, fucking...practically Nestle free. YES. Yes yes yes. I have no idea what I'm doing Saturday, but you know, I'll work it out. And tomorrow? Tomorrow's Friday, best day of the week, right? Just got better. Doctors appointment at 8, so I won't be in til like what, 9? 9:30 tops. [Tops aren't likely. S'okay.] Face face phills out my D180, I head back to school and coast til maybe 8th or 9th period then I give blood then I go home. Dunno about you, but I'm hype. You hush.
Alright, I'm officially outta shit to right, I ought to go slaughter this paper. peace

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

oh, right, goodmorning.

I felt today was an ample day for a morning post, I really ought to be sleeping more with me being plagued by whatever the crap I have...but my body clock is awful harsh on itself. :[

I wish mornings were a little easier in the Sabol household, but where in America can you find a home with two grumpy 55+ yr old rents caring for a crappy teen and their sister, all awake at five am, that isn't havin a rough time? Maybe I'm wishing more so along the lines that I wish my dad wasn't such a hypochondriac grumpy gills. I swear every week he comes up with something new to say he's 'caught onto' and finds a way to make the rest of us miserable. Not so nice to wake up to.

However, what is nice about today is that I've got a really great night ahead of me, so I'm okay with dealing with these shananigans for now. Who's to lie? I'm big time crushing, and when I say big time I mean elephants and whales and other extremely large specimans to make analogies of. Ohhhhhh boy.

Speaking of large specimans, I've decided to rev up a sketch book again just for shits and giggles and I drew the most amazing rhino knitting socks with a kitten. I'm really surprising myself lately with what I'm actually capable of, and it's kind of crazy that the route of my problems was honestly just what I thought would shy them all away.

Life's about no regrets, right? We arent supposed to hold regret of any event in our lives because even as treacherous as they may have been, they make us stronger and build our character..right? Well then maybe I don't regret Alex, maybe it's more wishful thinking in that I wish I hadn't been so fucking naive. I wish I listened. I wish I hadn't wasted so much tiiiime. I mean, don't get me wrong, I had feelings for him, but I was far too dependent upon him. And I'm not sure how it happened or what he did nor what I did to allow that to occur but, it wasn't healthy, you know? It's crazy, whatevs dude.

So anyway, in short terms, I haven't had like insane, awesome, I'm totally attracted to you in every which way feelings in the longest fucking time. The longest fucking time. And having them come so suddenly is such a rush. Did I really wanna write this much about all that? Okay, I'll stop now. When I get home I'm going to add more to this post other than stupid tales of my heart strings.

! Where did my blue skirt go? My faaaavorite blue skirt has been taken hostage by the dust bunnies in my basement laundry room and I think it's high and time I showered the icky germs off and set for my quest to find my fucking skirt.

au revoir blogland

Tuesday, March 24, 2009




Sunday, March 22, 2009

That was so weird.

I don't think I have it in me to write a full pledge post right now, soooo much sleepy dust.
We'll sum it up, okay, that sounds fine. Hm, should I seperate these in paragraphs? They won't be all to long cause they're chopped down summaries, but eh, yeah.
-Pete and Pete are Pete and Pete and I love Izzy Rex. Everyone in the world has that one kinda person that when they come together, click, and they just turn on. It's crazy, I'm the most anti-social, boring old person any other day of the week, but with Izzy it's tots different. I really don't know how to explain it, it just happens. I just said tots.
-I miss local punk. Ah I know, quit your pissin, bitch; cause it hasn't been around for awhile, but okay, back in the day there were so nice. That and just shows in general. I gave up on the local music scene about this summer past, but I mean, I just need to give everyone a chance, take the time, check shit out, and find what I like.
-And maybe my parents aren't so bad, after all. I explained to my mom what happened last night, and she was really..really cool about it. Why is this completely mind blowing to me? Because, I'm the baby. My brother and sister did alot of bad deed in their day and they were brought home by the cops on more occasions than you can count on your fingers and toes. My parents kind of relied on me from the start to be the brain, the one that wasn't gonna fuck up. So figure I am pretty much forced home, escorted by the police at 3am for sitting around and talking to a kid for a while, you'd think they'd go balistic. But, no! My mom was really okay with it, my dad you know, pissed a brick for a sec but he pretty much told me it was okay today. That's just insanity to me. I really thought I was gonna have to spent my pre-Nestle morning peeling bits and particles of my face off the wall.
-Corporate comes tomorrow. I close tonight. FML.

Well, I was gonna write more but Izzy just ran in, syanora Blogspot land

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I am the spider, I crawl inside her

Ah, today was a slooooow day. Nothing too special, just kind of bummed that I can't go out tonight because of work, and I can't even fit anything in before hand, cause that'd really be pushing it. :/ I mean, it's okay, but I've really been meaning to quit Nestle, for a long time. I think the story goes for the same for any teen holding a job at a pretty crappily run, small town food franchise, but I'm actually getting tired of complaining about the stupid crap that goes on there. My managers are adorable, I love them, I just don't love the way they approach any sort of challenge. I also don't really love being the last gal in the mall around 10, ..11pm on a school night. Factor in that I'm not too strong, and I mean, I think we'd all agree that I'm pretty adorable. Therefore, little Ollie isn't left feeling quite so comfy after a 6 hour shift, walking the short distance by her lonesome to grab her ride home. As well, I think we're all pissing and moaning about this subject, but I just wish it was a little easier to catch a new job. I've got fantastic history, I really should do well on applications, I mean I'm 16, I've had five jobs, and I've never in my life been fired, I have good reccs and I'm really fucking good at that 'yes! i'd be the most perfect employee because I can tone my voice upward and work smiling real sweetly in your presence' kind of thing.
Annnnyywho, PSSA's are done tomorrow, thank god. They're honestly not so bad, I'm just super jealous that I don't get to come in soooo late. Fuckin seniors, fuckin underclassmen. Schools okay, not bad, not great. inching towards that time of year when classy Up Mo teachers decide 'what the hell, we're not gonna do jack shit till finals ring about' Mmm, I can't wait.
It's warm out, too! It'll probably be fucking antartic and snowing tomorrow, but I'm fine with the warmth for today. I just wish I could go outside a little morrrre, but we went over this earlier, work sucks. I know.
Oh and the prowl? I think it's going A-okay. :) I've got my eye on a certain someone.
Oof, and last night I baked a cake with my mom, we made the icing from scratch and everything. Needless to say, I don't think I'll ever so much as look at icing for quite some time.. Today's Jenny's birthday, she's turning 54. I think if anything, she has got to be one of the few people I admire in this world. Just to give you a skim of her backround, Jenny has severe downs syndrome, and her life's pretty much been sprinkled with death dates since she was born. Think of that, doctors on the constant telling you that you're gonna be out in a matter of days, months, maybe if you're lucky, years. Yet she always sports her grin, and she's always the first one to topple you with a hug if she can sense even so much as the slightest need for one. What's even cooler, is that she's always there to listen. My parents really don't pay so much as an ounce of attention to me, I try to keep busy cause I don't like them much. But when I am home, and if I am upset, I alllways vent to Jenny. And it doesn't matter to me really that she can't feed back some credulous sort of psychoanalysis that'll give me a better perspective of my problems, it's just that she's listening, and I'm venting, and theres always some sort of relief that seems to follow. Sounds mushy gushy, but taking a glance at Jen really makes me appreciate life, cause cruddy days like today, they always make me wander a bit and then I seem to take it for granted.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hmmm, first post, this can't be so bad! So the past weeks been pretty crazy so far, imagine that - it's only Tuesday. Alex and I are over, and honestly...I think I'm kind of happy that it's done. Yeah, I loved him, but it was a bitter sweet kind of thing. What I had with him, left me a little too dependent, and I'm proud to say I'm ready [and jump started] on becoming my own woman again. With Alex, I kind of just let my self go, because I had always figured that I would have him at the end of the day. Guessed wrong! So, I'm picking up my grades, working out, and in general, kicking ass.
When I woke up on Monday, I had a sort of epiphany. This exact time, just last year, is when my life came to a hault. I had my incident in Doylestown, got knee surgery, was subjected to bed-rest for about a month, came back, and the world hadn't missed a beat since I'd been gone. But you see, I never really caught back up. Instead, I just let go. I let school go to shit because it was practically over, and I had missed the last essential month, teachers were tired and didn't feel like re-teaching the work, they just wanted to go home. I didn't have to worry much about my weight because I'd lost so much from the post surgery, pill induced loss of appetite, and I was pretty much thriving in stupid things. Well, I think it's high and time I hit rewind and grasp.
I've gained weight from getting really ill in December, but I'm really starting to work it off, so nice. I've picked back up on sewing, so it's kind of like an entire new wardrobe has risen from the dusk of my 'This is still cute, but it's from my chubby chunker days' pile, my grades are looking up [101% in chemistry? fucking holla at your girl], Izzy's been back around and Pete and Pete is coming together, I'm trying harder not to be so awkward in the social sense, I've been writing more, drawing more, and I'm really regaining my confidence.

Speaking of confidence, I'm kind of, on the prowl again. So I guess that's gonna be a big key importance. I'd be lying if I were to say I wasn't dying to get on the scene again for a short period of time. I'd always wander back to that line of Tegan an Sara, 'I'm not unfaithful but I'll stray', I'd always catch myself looking, inching towards a little flirting. Yikes, well, like I said earlier, I'm free now. So I've gotta make use of what I got. I've never really utilized the factor of being 'cute', or realized the the mileage of a simple smile and a little dab of makeup, until recently. It's amazing what those little things can do, and where they can get you.I've been listening to alot of SYG, particularily 'Goonies Never Say Die' , the song actually came on in Hot Topic when Tiff and I ventured to the Mont mall. It's following me, though this has positive potential. Oh! And, today, after a fail of the prowl, there was success in picking up that glorious perfume from P!NK, that shit that Eric guy said 'I'd marry any woman wearing this scent' to Izzy on New Years. Two bottles infact!
The last three days have proven nothing but success and I've got good time ahead of me, let it roll.