Sunday, March 22, 2009

That was so weird.

I don't think I have it in me to write a full pledge post right now, soooo much sleepy dust.
We'll sum it up, okay, that sounds fine. Hm, should I seperate these in paragraphs? They won't be all to long cause they're chopped down summaries, but eh, yeah.
-Pete and Pete are Pete and Pete and I love Izzy Rex. Everyone in the world has that one kinda person that when they come together, click, and they just turn on. It's crazy, I'm the most anti-social, boring old person any other day of the week, but with Izzy it's tots different. I really don't know how to explain it, it just happens. I just said tots.
-I miss local punk. Ah I know, quit your pissin, bitch; cause it hasn't been around for awhile, but okay, back in the day there were so nice. That and just shows in general. I gave up on the local music scene about this summer past, but I mean, I just need to give everyone a chance, take the time, check shit out, and find what I like.
-And maybe my parents aren't so bad, after all. I explained to my mom what happened last night, and she was really..really cool about it. Why is this completely mind blowing to me? Because, I'm the baby. My brother and sister did alot of bad deed in their day and they were brought home by the cops on more occasions than you can count on your fingers and toes. My parents kind of relied on me from the start to be the brain, the one that wasn't gonna fuck up. So figure I am pretty much forced home, escorted by the police at 3am for sitting around and talking to a kid for a while, you'd think they'd go balistic. But, no! My mom was really okay with it, my dad you know, pissed a brick for a sec but he pretty much told me it was okay today. That's just insanity to me. I really thought I was gonna have to spent my pre-Nestle morning peeling bits and particles of my face off the wall.
-Corporate comes tomorrow. I close tonight. FML.

Well, I was gonna write more but Izzy just ran in, syanora Blogspot land

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