Sunday, March 29, 2009

she ground down my corners

Fuck, can I tell you how much I love the matches? No hush, I don't care for your opinion of them.

Pretty eventful day for a sick lad, ...I have a vagina, does that still make me a lad? Or perhaps I'm a lass but I don't like the connotation of pulling ass out of anything. Particularly lass.
Uh, visited Asbury Park today with my ma. Outta no where last weekend she goes, 'Wanna go to Neptune? I bet you miss Asbury Park, lets go visit next Sunday' So ..we did. Got lost, that sucked, but mama's a smarty so we found our way. I wish I could have taken Marloooww, even though he woulda gone mad balistic. They're building the place up, it's really nice to see. There were a lot of people browsin about and surprising, none of them were homeless people or bums or yanno, whatever. The only sad part is that they actually boarded off construction and pulled out 'Watch zone' and 'No Trespassing' signs, so there wasn't much for me to wander about. I took really nice pictures, or ..atleast I think I did. You never know with the Lumix. Aw, dude. So when we got there it was foggy as shit, right? And when you walked onto the boardwalk the fog was just at calf's height, and it looked as though it was just rolling around by your feet, so fucking awesome. Then, walking through the Convention Hall there was a like, 8 year old covering Green Day, by himself, outside of this bar. Literally, pudgy little kid outta no where. Crazy. The Convention Hall's looking really nice, they've got little shops in there now and !!! there was even a little Bamboozle truck outside. Cute! I say Bamby z should be in Asbury next year. And every year. It's an easier commute for everyone and I'm sure the good ol Park could use the business of buzzing shitty teenys trashing the place for a day or two. Le sigh. I love Asbury Park.
After that I came home for a little, laid down til Joe called and went to Lancers for a sec. Frank's scary, I like Joe.
And now I'm home, I just washed my face and brushed my teeth and took cold meds, hah they had little 215's on them. I'm gay, I took a picture. Now what?

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