Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I am the spider, I crawl inside her

Ah, today was a slooooow day. Nothing too special, just kind of bummed that I can't go out tonight because of work, and I can't even fit anything in before hand, cause that'd really be pushing it. :/ I mean, it's okay, but I've really been meaning to quit Nestle, for a long time. I think the story goes for the same for any teen holding a job at a pretty crappily run, small town food franchise, but I'm actually getting tired of complaining about the stupid crap that goes on there. My managers are adorable, I love them, I just don't love the way they approach any sort of challenge. I also don't really love being the last gal in the mall around 10, ..11pm on a school night. Factor in that I'm not too strong, and I mean, I think we'd all agree that I'm pretty adorable. Therefore, little Ollie isn't left feeling quite so comfy after a 6 hour shift, walking the short distance by her lonesome to grab her ride home. As well, I think we're all pissing and moaning about this subject, but I just wish it was a little easier to catch a new job. I've got fantastic history, I really should do well on applications, I mean I'm 16, I've had five jobs, and I've never in my life been fired, I have good reccs and I'm really fucking good at that 'yes! i'd be the most perfect employee because I can tone my voice upward and work smiling real sweetly in your presence' kind of thing.
Annnnyywho, PSSA's are done tomorrow, thank god. They're honestly not so bad, I'm just super jealous that I don't get to come in soooo late. Fuckin seniors, fuckin underclassmen. Schools okay, not bad, not great. inching towards that time of year when classy Up Mo teachers decide 'what the hell, we're not gonna do jack shit till finals ring about' Mmm, I can't wait.
It's warm out, too! It'll probably be fucking antartic and snowing tomorrow, but I'm fine with the warmth for today. I just wish I could go outside a little morrrre, but we went over this earlier, work sucks. I know.
Oh and the prowl? I think it's going A-okay. :) I've got my eye on a certain someone.
Oof, and last night I baked a cake with my mom, we made the icing from scratch and everything. Needless to say, I don't think I'll ever so much as look at icing for quite some time.. Today's Jenny's birthday, she's turning 54. I think if anything, she has got to be one of the few people I admire in this world. Just to give you a skim of her backround, Jenny has severe downs syndrome, and her life's pretty much been sprinkled with death dates since she was born. Think of that, doctors on the constant telling you that you're gonna be out in a matter of days, months, maybe if you're lucky, years. Yet she always sports her grin, and she's always the first one to topple you with a hug if she can sense even so much as the slightest need for one. What's even cooler, is that she's always there to listen. My parents really don't pay so much as an ounce of attention to me, I try to keep busy cause I don't like them much. But when I am home, and if I am upset, I alllways vent to Jenny. And it doesn't matter to me really that she can't feed back some credulous sort of psychoanalysis that'll give me a better perspective of my problems, it's just that she's listening, and I'm venting, and theres always some sort of relief that seems to follow. Sounds mushy gushy, but taking a glance at Jen really makes me appreciate life, cause cruddy days like today, they always make me wander a bit and then I seem to take it for granted.

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