Wednesday, March 25, 2009

oh, right, goodmorning.

I felt today was an ample day for a morning post, I really ought to be sleeping more with me being plagued by whatever the crap I have...but my body clock is awful harsh on itself. :[

I wish mornings were a little easier in the Sabol household, but where in America can you find a home with two grumpy 55+ yr old rents caring for a crappy teen and their sister, all awake at five am, that isn't havin a rough time? Maybe I'm wishing more so along the lines that I wish my dad wasn't such a hypochondriac grumpy gills. I swear every week he comes up with something new to say he's 'caught onto' and finds a way to make the rest of us miserable. Not so nice to wake up to.

However, what is nice about today is that I've got a really great night ahead of me, so I'm okay with dealing with these shananigans for now. Who's to lie? I'm big time crushing, and when I say big time I mean elephants and whales and other extremely large specimans to make analogies of. Ohhhhhh boy.

Speaking of large specimans, I've decided to rev up a sketch book again just for shits and giggles and I drew the most amazing rhino knitting socks with a kitten. I'm really surprising myself lately with what I'm actually capable of, and it's kind of crazy that the route of my problems was honestly just what I thought would shy them all away.

Life's about no regrets, right? We arent supposed to hold regret of any event in our lives because even as treacherous as they may have been, they make us stronger and build our character..right? Well then maybe I don't regret Alex, maybe it's more wishful thinking in that I wish I hadn't been so fucking naive. I wish I listened. I wish I hadn't wasted so much tiiiime. I mean, don't get me wrong, I had feelings for him, but I was far too dependent upon him. And I'm not sure how it happened or what he did nor what I did to allow that to occur but, it wasn't healthy, you know? It's crazy, whatevs dude.

So anyway, in short terms, I haven't had like insane, awesome, I'm totally attracted to you in every which way feelings in the longest fucking time. The longest fucking time. And having them come so suddenly is such a rush. Did I really wanna write this much about all that? Okay, I'll stop now. When I get home I'm going to add more to this post other than stupid tales of my heart strings.

! Where did my blue skirt go? My faaaavorite blue skirt has been taken hostage by the dust bunnies in my basement laundry room and I think it's high and time I showered the icky germs off and set for my quest to find my fucking skirt.

au revoir blogland

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