Wednesday, April 1, 2009

my next excuse for losing sleep, again...

....Are those really Cartel lyrics up there? Man, I kinda suck. What're we doing here, Olivia? It'll be okay.
I kinda intending on hittin up the zZz's about an hour ago, but when I rolled over my lungs decided [for better or worse] against me and I tumbled into an outrageous coughing fit. Oh boo. But tell me, who wants to just drift gracefully back to sleep after a hailing storm of mucus? Not this little bunny. So here I am, blogging to pass time. I should probably be taking care of Geometry homework, or studying for my permit, .......but late night horror flicks and blogging sounds a whole lot nicer. Not even!
Hm, past few days have been a drag, been sick, what else is new? Monday was okay, didn't go to school, slept, did crap, that was okay. Yesterday I visited the big guys for real cold meds, that sucked. And today was cool, I got to leave early but not in good cause. Then I worked, got out really fucking early, that was cool. Then I came home, did homework, and went to sleep. That was pretty cool. Then I got my period. That sucked. Then I went back to bed and then I wound up here.

I really like old Avril Lavigne, further proving my 'rule' factor. Or 'cool' factor, whichever you should presume. I remember being like 8 and dying for my rents to leave out the house so I could run around screaming just like her. Not screaming, what I thought was singing. That definitly was not singing. I also for a short period of time thought I could hit Christina Augelerias notes, not only did I butcher her last name just now, but my tater tot pushin days butchered her songs too. Oopsies.

I wish I had more time on my hands cause for the most part I'd really like to devote the better portion of my night to hair dye and Drop Dead Fred. And maybe some yoga. I'm too fucking cool. I attempted to dab in the blonde before work, but it didn't really develop. I dunno WHAT the hell is up with this ging shit! Just looks like I'm going to have to make due for some bleach and toner. Le sigh, what a lovely plug for my cash. And Fred? He fixes everything. And anything. I swear.

"Fred: I am a loner, a crazy wide eyed loner on a doomed mission to Venus to battle with the 3 headed mega beast but on the way I caught cornflakes disease"

Can I tell you how much having a vagina blows? Legitimately, it blows. Sooo crampy. I mean, couldn't we just rip them out and do away with them all? No es bueno. That was implied towards my ovaries, and fallopian tubes, and really, any counterpart that constitues sexual reproduction that creates those stupid fucking dying embryos that like to play 'let's grab that one' twister with my organs on a monthly basis.

Oh drat. I fear the worlds become a bunch of grannys, there'd really ought to be a variety of souls to chat amongst at such an hour, for all the crap I put up with for headin out too early. To the sewers with you all!

1 comment:

  1. oh my word that's horrible!
    i'm sorry about that ]:
    and thankyou.
